Urinal, 55th Venice Paralle Exhibition, 2013


1917年当代艺术之父杜尚的《泉》作为开创西方当代艺术史的里程碑,2000年两位中国艺术家奚建军和蔡元惊世骇俗的行为作品《在杜尚小便器上撒尿》作为当代艺术界的轰动事件被载入史册。 如今中国艺术家奚建军打造了艺术史上规模最大的小便器,并在西方当代艺术之“泉”中注入中国传统文化之“源”——墨,源与泉融为一体,以禅宗顿悟灵妙将墨进行哲学意蕴的转化,贯通形而上与形而下的界限;刚柔相济地将天地自然之灵性的水融入坚如磐石的钢中,一白一黑相映成趣,嫁接东西方艺术的根本元素,以东方元素解构了小便器作为现成品开创当代艺术史的历史意义。

年代:2011- 2012
尺寸:210高 x 200宽 x 200厚cm

Spring and Source

1917 Marcel Duchamp's "Fountain " made contemporary western art history.In year 2000, two Chinese artists Jian Jun Xi and Cai Yuan pissed on Duchamp's Urinal as performance work in Tate Modern. Now the artist made the sculpture of largest urinal in the world and put the Chinese Ink-"Spring" as the ink fountain.In Zen, Ink philosophical implications of conversion, through the metaphysics and the boundaries of the earth.The spirituality of Ink into the steel be as solid as rocks, a urinal and black Ink by contrast, grafting of the basic elements of eastern and Western art, with oriental elements the deconstruction of 'Fountain' .

Spring & Source - made in China
Material: Stainless steel
Time: 2011-2012
Size: 210 high x 200 width x 200 thickness cm